“The only thing that does not change is the change itself.”
As Heraclitus said, everything is changing. Societies are also included. Technology has an important place in the transformation and transformation of societies. Today we are living in a new social order. The name of this new social order, which started with the development of computers, where information and qualified human resources are at the center, and which can be accessed by digital communication networks of the market; “Information Society”.
So, in an understanding of society and economy where knowledge is so important, how do institutions see “DATA”, which is the building block of information? Is it as a value or a cost?
For large organizations, data is one of the most valuable corporate assets today. But it should be noted that data is growing at an incredible rate and variety. This big data contains opportunities and risks for organizations. Institutions can turn into a very important value for the organization if they manage the increasing and diverse data at this incredible speed and turn it into accurate and reliable information.
If organizations want to use the critical opportunities that their data will create in terms of operations, strategies and customer relations, they should see data as a resource and manage it, just as they see and manage their financials and employees as a resource. Paladin opens the doors of sustainable corporate and economic development to you with its expert consultants who see and manage data as a resource.